A Journey Begins

by Keith Horan


Hey there….


My name is Keith Horan and I’m the creator of The Mindfulness Community, at The Mindfulness Community we aim to make mindfulness practice easy and accessible. My journey in meditation started in 1999 when I left Ireland and traveled to India in search of authentic meditation teachers, which I thankfully found. Twenty years on, I have devoted myself to studying, practicing, and teaching mindfulness and self-compassion! 


Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention in the present moment and helps us develop more peace of mind. Too often we spend our time thinking about the past or planning for the future, missing out on what is happening right now. We believe that becoming more aware of the current moment can enrich our lives and increase our happiness.


Mindfulness practice helps you to notice more of your own experience and to live each day more deeply. Through gradual practice, it is possible to have less stress and anxiety in your life, and more ease and happiness. 


That being said mindfulness practice isn’t always easy, struggles and challenges are all part of the process but mindfulness practice has a lot of benefits like: 


  • Increased focus and concentration
  • Generating self-compassion
  • Improving relationships
  • Helping quality of sleep 
  • Reducing anxiety and depression levels


Let’s take a look at how mindfulness can help you get quality sleep! 


 An example of an exercise we do at TMC (The Mindfulness Community) to get a better night’s rest is one called the ‘body scan meditation’. The body scan meditation is a traditional form of practice, and the reason I relate it to sleep is because the exercise is traditionally aligned with meditation and has a relaxing effect. 


To learn more about the exercise and even allow a few minutes in your day to practice, then have a listen to episode one of my podcast where I go into more depth about my mindfulness journey, the four lifestyle changes that could improve your quality of sleep and a general introduction to mindfulness and self-compassion. 

Have a listen here: https://keith-the-mindfulness-community.simplecast.com/episodes/the-mindfulness-community-episode-1


The mindfulness community has great benefits that can help improve different aspects of your life and help you to pay attention in the present moment. 


Thank you for coming on this journey with me I hope you stick around! 


…Until next time!




Picture of Keith Horan

Keith Horan

Keith has been teaching Mindfulness for over 20 years in the West of Ireland where he lives with his wife and three children.
He is trained both in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and in the practices of Modern Secular Mindfulness. He has an MSc in Mindfulness-based Approaches from Bangor University in North Wales.
Keith teaches in a gentle and encouraging way and helps people to find balance and more self-acceptance in their lives.